Enterprise OA
Founded in 1997, Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited (“Yankuang Energy” or “The Company”) takes mining, high-end chemicals and new materials, new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing, and intelligent logistics as pillar industries. Assets and businesses are presented in Shandong, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and overseas Australia, North America, Europe and other countries and regions. It is the only mega-sized energy enterprise in China that enjoys six major listing platforms in China and beyond (Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York, Australia, Frankfurt, Munich). Adhering to the corporate mission of “developing green energy to lead energy revolution”, Yankuang Energy actively integrates into the “Carbon Peaking & Carbon Neutrality” strategy of China, upholds integrity, promotes innovation and accelerates industrial reform and transformation, and is moving fast to build itself into a world-class, sustainable model enterprise leading in clean energy.[ more]
Yankuang Energy fully implements the New Development Philosophy, seek both external and internal improvement, and pay equal emphasison industrial operation and capital operation, fostering five major industries of mining, high-end chemicals and new materials, new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing, and intelligent logistics, and building three major operating bases of Shandong, Shaanxi &Inner Mongolia and Australia. Looking ahead, it will work to achieve an annual coal production capacity of 300 million tons in 5-10 years, and build more than 8 green and intelligent mining coal mines each with a production capacity ofover 10 million tons.The annual output of chemicals products will exceed 20 million tons. The vision is to realize 3million kW of installed capacity of wind and solar power by the end ofthe “fourteenth five-year plan” (2021-2025), and 10million kW in 5-10 years.[ more ]
The Company always adheres tohigh standards in building good investor relations, continues to enrich and optimize communication channels and methods such as performance roadshow, investment strategy meeting, on-site meeting, telephone meeting, investor hotline, company email and SSE E-Interactive, and constantly improves the effectiveness and timeliness of the interaction with investors, and proactively launches news reports, performance reports, performance roadshow materials and other information through the website, WeChat and other new media platforms, which has realized positive interaction between the Company and the capital market.[ more ]
ESG レポート[ more ]
CPCドラクエ x カジノのメンバー
監視ドラクエ x カジノのメンバー
取締役会の下の専門ドラクエ x カジノ
Yankuang Energy Group Co., Ltd.の取締役会は、Woo Kar Tung氏、Raymond氏、Zhu Limin氏、Zhu Rui氏の3名の独立取締役で構成される監査ドラクエ x カジノを設置し、Raymond氏が委員を務めています。ドラクエ x カジノのディレクター。
Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited の取締役会は、Peng Suping、Li Wei、Woo Kar Tung の 3 人の取締役で構成される指名ドラクエ x カジノを設置し、レイモンド氏が指名ドラクエ x カジノのディレクターを務めています。 。
Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited の取締役会は、Zhu Limin、Woo Kar Tung、Raymond の 3 人の取締役で構成される報酬ドラクエ x カジノを設置し、Zhu Rui 氏が取締役を務めています。報酬ドラクエ x カジノ。
Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited の取締役会は、Li Wei、Liu Jian、Peng Suping、および Zhu Limin 氏の 4 人の取締役で構成される戦略開発ドラクエ x カジノを設置しました。および開発ドラクエ x カジノ。
Yankuang Energy Group Company Limited の取締役会は、Zhu Rui で構成される持続可能な開発ドラクエ x カジノを設立し、Zhu Limin 氏が持続可能な開発ドラクエ x カジノのディレクターを務めています。